When I try to upload an image file mail picture photograph photo shot to my gallery on my website I get the following error:

[function.copy]: failed to open stream: Permission denied

If you are getting this error, this is what you need to do.



  1. Connect to your website with your FTP application (I am using ipswitch WS_FTP pro)
  2. Change the permission to the directory where the file you are uploading goes to (example: to the images directory or folder)
  3. How to change permission to a directory or folder with you fpt client:
  4. a. right click on the directory you want to change the permissions to
  5. b. Select "FTP Commands" and then CHMOD (unix)
  6. c. A mall window will pop up, select all the check boxes
  7. d. Enter 777 in the "Numeric Value" field or check all the boxes in Owner Group and Other
  8. e. Click ok
  9. DONE

you can download free FTP software at:

http://www.ipswitch.com/_download/wsftppro.asp (free trial)


http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=21558 ( free dowload )